Wedding Signs and Superstitions

A wedding is important and responsible step in the life of each couple, which is enveloped in such a multitude of signs and superstitions that they can control literally every action.

There are superstitions associated with the weather, gifts, behavior of newlyweds and guests before, during and after the wedding… Some beliefs are made up to warn the newlyweds, and some – just to amuse and entertain.

A popular superstition is connected with a leap year, which, if understood, is purely a conventional invention for correcting the calendar. The tradition to consider a leap year as unhappy was formed from the fact that it was celebrated on February 29 in the memory of the Monk Cassian Martyr, who was considered unkind and vindictive. From this it went, that a leap year personifies misfortunes and suffering.

Also an interesting fact is connected with the saying “If you sit on the corner – you will not marry.” This superstition lives till today, although its meaning has long been lost. Previously, in a corner on holidays, were sit homeless women and poor relatives who were not popular with suitors. From that proverb appeared.

The groom should not see the bride in the wedding dress before the wedding. In many countries, this prohibition isn’t applied only to the groom. And the thing is that the dress was part of the dowry, and people tried to make it as rich as possible, and were afraid of banal theft of such a valuable wedding attribute.

But let’s move from superstitions to signs. Do you know that the unexpected rain on the day of the wedding is for the well-being of a young family? This sign is due to the fact that water from ancient times was a symbol of the harvest. And there will be a good harvest, which means that wealth will not keep you waiting.

Also for luck it was considered, if the bride gets married in old shoes. Here the explanation is very logical, because such shoes are comfortable and the bride can not rub callouses. Also if at the wedding break a heel, then the family life will “limp.”

There is also a tradition where parents, when meeting young people from a registry office or a church, bring bread and salt. The newlyweds should bite off a piece of the caravan without the help of hands, and the one with the larger one will be the head of the family. Most likely, this tradition was invented to amuse the guests, but the custom of meeting with bread and salt is very ancient, and is called upon to protect the young family from evil forces.

Also there is sign that the newlyweds break their first glass of champagne for happiness. Previously, instead of glasses, there were clay pots and it was believed that if the pot was broken, then the bride is chaste, but if no, then her parents were shamed. And the more fragments were from the broken pots, the happier life will be.
It is also customary to carry the bride in groom’s arms across the threshold of a new house. The thing is that there is a belief that if a new wife falls or stumbles on the threshold of her new home, the young people will live in abuse and scandal.

The list of superstitions and signs can be infinitely long. It is hard to tell about everything at once. But the main thing is to believe in what the heart prompts and follow it, and don’t follow only the prescriptions, which, perhaps, have already lost their relevance. After all, on this day the most important is love. Be happy and love each other!

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