Archive for 29 August, 2014
Hunting in Ukraine: Entertainment for the Real Men

Autumn is coming. And the hunting season will be opened soon in Ukraine. Such an extreme kind of rest is for brave men who loves danger and adrenaline buzz. If you hate beaches and walks, if you prefer active and risky rest, you will definitely like autumn hunting in Ukraine! » Read more..
Simple Steps to Make Your Woman Happy

Happiness is the basis of all relations. If people are not happy with each other, they have no reason for keeping spending time together. In any way, our second half is the only person we can choose ourselves to be the member of our family, so happiness is important. Some women can feel nice just knowing that they have a man by their side. This attitude is the most typical among Slavic women as they are used to worshiping men for just their being, and having a constant man by their side is almost an achievement which can be envied by other women depending on different conditions of the man’s state, like appearance, age, status, health , hobbies or sport decisions.. » Read more..
Special Lady this Week – Yuliya

Autumn in Mountains: Carpathians

Summer comes to the end. In a few days the first yellow leaves will appear at the trees. And the weather will become cooler and more humid. If you planned your trip to Ukraine to September, think about visiting Carpathian Mountains. This is the best kind of rest in early autumn in Ukraine. » Read more..
Water Park Dream Island

How do you imagine a special date with your beloved lady from Step2Love? If the date of your dreams should be unique, memorable and active, invite your lady to water park Dream Island in Kyiv. This exotic place will fill your first date with inspiring and unforgettable emotions! » Read more..
How to Achieve Closeness in Relations

Being close to each other is relations is the basement of all normal communication between two people in love. However, everything has its start and its development, so you may not know what to do at the start of your being together. Closeness will make you feel comfortable and relaxed creating a strong link between you two which no one will manage to destroy. » Read more..
Special Lady this Week – Darina

Being more Attractive for a Lady

In the modern world women pay lots of attention to men and their attractiveness. Of course, pleasant look can play crucial role in her choise but there are lots of examples when other different issues helped men conquer hearts of ladies and make them happy for the whole life. » Read more..