Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 10-16 of July

A week can bring some pleasant changes to your personal life when you are already quite desperate. Everything will depend on a strange combination of circumstances that could not be foreseen in advance! So rely on fate and it will present many surprises for you!

Aries: March 21 — April 20
All week passes in some empty expectation of news and you just get tired of it. Try to look at life more positively! If you were forgotten, perhaps, this is only for the best. It’s time to think about how to build a new relationship!
At the end of the week you will get acquainted with some interesting lady who will attract all your attention. This is quite possible, because you have a lot of energy and women feel it in you!

Taurus: April 21 — May 20
Taurus, it’s time to get rid of the illusions in a relationship that lasts a very long time and does not bring you a pleasure at all. Decide everything yourself in a serious conversation, it is better to hold it on Tuesday or Wednesday. You will immediately feel better and you will return the joy into your life. Taurus can count on a light, easy acquaintance, it will distract you briefly. Do not share this with your friends, they may envy you.

Gemini: May 21 – June 21
Things go in the best way for Gemini. You are in the center of attention among your surrounding people, women are going crazy from you, the most unexpected offers come to you from them, and you should not deny yourself these little pleasures.
By the weekend, Gemini understand that they are tired and some time for yourself will be very helpful. You will be able to relax.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22
Cancers are usually very emotional and vulnerable. This week you feel that it is not the time to grieve. The start of the search for a woman who brightens up this rainy summer begins. You decided to spend more time on Step2Love, and luck is clearly on your side.
Already on Wednesday, a good dating option may turn up, and now it only remains to organize a meeting. Cancers rejoice in their personal lives!

Leo: July 23 – August 23
Leo is more occupied with household chores. If you are already in relations, you are ready to obey the requirements of your beloved woman in everything, no matter how wild they are. Perhaps you are too compliant, and if it is a question of financial matters, then you need to be firm.
Free from relations Leo is still cautious in dating. You have a well-developed intuition and it does not fail you at a difficult moment. For now it’s better to be alone than to run into trouble.

Virgo: August 24 – September 23
Virgo is completely different, you are much more relaxed than usual and do not be afraid to seem ridiculous. But sometimes you are too intrusive and this can only frighten women off. Watch your speech and do not say anything superfluous!
On Thursday, one letter can fundamentally change plans for the rest of the week. Fate prepares a surprise for you, which will happen very soon. Put yourself in order, it is very important for you to look good by the weekend.

Libra: September 24 – October 23
The balance is in a state of inner harmony which women appreciate so much. From you it breathes warmth and charm and it can not be left without attention. Dating can take place anywhere, on the street, in transport, on the Internet, and this gives you optimism.
It’s time to finally think about how to find a worthy companion of life! Men in strong relations devote all their free time to the beloved women, together you solve very important questions and come to the right decision. Weekends are the best way.

Scorpio: October 24 – November 22
This week your jealousy can significantly affect the relationship which you considered to be stable. Keep yourself in hands, otherwise any conflict will lead to a grandiose quarrel.
The most negative day in this aspect is Thursday, it’s better not to communicate with your pretty half. You need to throw out your suspicions and change the train of thought.

Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21
Sagittarius is too busy with work and this negatively affects absolutely everything. You need to be tougher with your bosses and not to agree to work overtime. You have an important appointment planned. You have been preparing for it for a long time. And to appear before a woman with a tortured appearance means to completely turn her off from you in the future.
At the end of the week Sagittarius can regret about what have never been happened. Not the best period, but it will pass!

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20
Capricorns are looking for entertainment which they usually do not have. You are tired of constantly being serious and strict. You need to relax once. You intend to meet with a person you know for a long time, and to understand if she really is as attractive as you think!
Assign a date the next month and then you will get an answer to your question, and generally spend time very well. Capricorns are happy with what begins in their life.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 19
Aquarius are full of romantic hopes. Life seems beautiful to them. Probably, you are not entirely objective and it is better to get a friend’s advice before making a final decision.
Tuesday is not the right day for any date, you can just be fooled, or otherwise spoil the mood. On Friday, the day is suitable for a joint visit of a theater or exhibition, this will raise your mood for a long time. Aquarius on the weekend can relax, and understand that someone really likes you.

Pisces: February 20 – March 20
Pisces, if you are in doubt – it is better not to make important decisions. It is very likely that you will receive a proof of very serious intentions of your beloved woman on you. You are excited, and this should be understood. If you do not have a soul for this person, it is important to put an end to the relationship right now.

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