Top-3 Signs That You Have Chosen The Right Life Partner

Marriage is one of the most important decisions in our life. It is a big start of new life, it’s start of family life. You need to be very careful when you choose a person with whom you decided on such responsible step. So appear a question: How to understand that this is healthy and promising relationship?
Step2Love wants to help you find answer on this difficult question.

Here are 3 Main Signs that you chose Right Person:

1. Traffic test
Standing in traffic jams, we can see the real face of the partner, and show our own. The same can be said about love relationships: check them in difficult situations. You should be fine together, even if you are locked in a car in the middle of a huge traffic jam for a long time. And this means that no one begins to feel irritated, you both react calmly. To survive any difficult situation you will be helped by 4 important common characteristics:

  • Good sense of humor
  • The ability to have fun in each other’s companies
  • Respect for the level of intelligence and way of thinking of another person
  • Common interests


2. Feeling like at home
Imagine that you will have to sit on a chair for 12 hours: instinctively you will choose the most comfortable pose. The same principle applies to marriage. When you have to do something for a long time, it should be comfortable for you. Difficulties in understanding with a partner can turn into a real catastrophe in the long term. That’s what’s needed to feel “at home” in a relationship:

  • Trust and sense of security (discard secrets and suspicions!)
  • Natural chemistry between you and the partner
  • Acceptance of shortcomings (they are in both of you)
  • Positive atmosphere


3. Work on relationships
To have a successful long-term relationship, you need to work on them. This is not a half-rate job, but an occupation for 24 hours a day. What does that require?

  • Communication (it seems banal, but how many couples don“t know how to build a dialogue at all?)
  • Equality (no partner should put himself above another)
  • Quarrels (they have to be constructive and correct, without mutual humiliation and with the ability to listen to each other)

If you consulted the list and for all 11 subparagraphs of the 3 signs and can say: “Yes, this is about us”, then you have nothing to worry about: your relationship is ideal and you can live with this person for all life!

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