Yuliya 22 years old Ukraine Kiev (id: 251746)
Today is the day of ratings. The most beautiful girls, the most absurd excuses, the most unpleasant details of the maiden life – in our traditional collection of fresh facts about female beings.
Knowledge of the month
Do you know where the most beautiful girls live? That’s right, in Russia and Ukraine. More beautiful girls can not be found. Russia and Ukraine in the list of the most beautiful ladies are in Colombia, Great Britain, the Philippines. And the most beautiful men, according to the girls opinion, live in Australia, Italy, Britain, Spain, the United States.
Do you know what kind of excuses women come up with not to go to the gym and generally exclude physical activity from their lives? “Breasts are in the way!” At least this explains the lack of physical education in their lives, 17% of non-sporting individuals of the female sex (survey of the University of Portsmouth). This, of course, is not the most popular reason, but nevertheless: an overabundance of breasts is on the fourth place after lack of energy, lack of time and lack of health. Just think: some ladies purposely do not bring to the fitness hall what you’re going there for (and do not you dare deny it).
Angelina 32 years old Ukraine Kiev (id: 251054)
You know what guaranteed will kill all the desire, when you first find yourself in the apartment of a new girl? The drain hole in the tub clogged her hair! At least this item is headed by the men’s list of the most repulsive things in the dwelling places of single women. In second place – clothes scattered on the floor, on the third – cut nails on the floor. But now listen to the main thing. That’s exactly what you do not like the girl in your bachelor apartment. Third: a dirty bathroom with mold in the corners. Second place: stale, unpleasant spirit. And finally- First place: dirty dishes everywhere. Come on, collect all your forks and glasses and wash.
Vitalina 34 years old Ukraine Zaporozhye (id: 251734)
Step2Love hopes that this article will make you smile and let you know our Beautiful Sexy Ladies better.
Be Happy!