“I LOVE YOU” short phrase but what a big meaning…

Have you ever thought about this???
I believe love exists. And people why say there is no love, it is possible to live without love – they just did not meet this feeling and all is still ahead.

There are some topics that could be studied like Sun, Earth, Space and I am sure Love can be added to this list. Cause to find out how it works as for me impossible. The power of love is unbelievable. There are different kind of love – to parents, to friends, to children, to nature and etc and of course to wife or to husband.
Wishing to describe what Love is for me I remember chewing gums from childhood. All the time opening the new one it was a picture of girl and boy and was written what love is.
With age understanding of this word is changing. And know I think love is condition of soul you need to be in for happy life. Love is wish to wake up and go to bed with your loved one. To be together in joy and sorrow. To understand each other from one look. To read thoughts of each other. To be ready to give the last for he sake of the loved one.
All beautiful things that are in this world are because of love.

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