February is the most romantic month of the year! Love is in the air, driving away cold weather. That’s why we’ve decided to ask our ladies what love is for them!
Today read the answer from charming Anna!

Anna 21 years old Ukraine Uman'

Anna 21 years old Ukraine Uman’

Remember the song from the 80s? There were these words “Searchin’ our hearts for so long, all of us knowing, love is a battlefield”.
It’s a good song to sing, but I am sure love is definitely not a battlefield!
When I was a little girl, my favourite fairytales were always about love. I was crazy about all these stories about knights, princes and heroes.
And you know what? I still believe in knights, princes and heroes! You may say that I’m still a child. Okay. But who isn’t a child inside?) We all are grown-up children and we all need some attention and love! Love is the most powerful thing ever!!! It gives us hope and a strength to breathe with full lungs!
You are asking why am I writing this? Because Valentine’s day is coming! I want you to break free all of your fears and doubts and let your heart to be shot by the Cupid’s arrow!
Happy St. Valentine’s day to all of you!

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