4 Steps to Strong Relationships

Family psychologists, counselors and therapists spend their entire lives giving advice on how to behave in marriage – and after the end of the day they return home to their families, husbands or wives. Do you think the sun does not go over their family happiness and they are not due to trouble due to duty? No matter how. They just know how to cope with problems. Step2Love prepared for you the 4 best tips to help you strengthen the relationship.

Make marriage your top priority

Marriage is number one, children number two, work is number three. It is this sequence. If your marriage is your first place, your children will grow in well-being and you will not have to adjust their behavior for a long time – as a result, you will have more time to work. And vice versa: if you turn this hierarchy upside down, nothing will work. Marriage in the first place. Always

Rethink Your Needs

The itch of the seventh year (a psychological term that implies a weakening of feelings after seven years of marriage) is not an invention. And this is natural. If in the first year of a relationship you need one, and the next one – another, this is a good sign: it means that your needs were met. Nevertheless, a gradual drift of desires can one day destroy the most stable marriage. To prevent this, ask your girlfriend (wife) about three things that she would like you to do – and offer what you want her to do. For example, on her part, it could be “I want you to help me more with children,” and with yours – “I want to have sex at least twice a week.” Only three sincere wishes (not terms) – not thirty – and this will save your relationship.

Play with your girlfriend …
Perceive your relationship as a continuous, protracted adventure – not as a once achieved goal. Relations (and even more so marriage) require that you both continuously work on yourself. Couples living together for a long time often lead rituals – something that they do on an ongoing basis, every week or, maybe, a year. In fact, this is a pure game, but with its help you will eventually overcome any crisis or itch.

.. But do not play the game for goals
Many people tend to calculate for a long time who to whom and what is obliged in the relationship. This leads to a dead end. If you think about marriage in the spirit of “an eye for an eye”, you will be doomed to repeat mistakes one by one until after your relationship there are only ruins left. I like another model. I like it when I can not keep in mind the conditional table, they say, my wife leads by the number of offenses inflicted with a score of 21:20. I like that I will always sincerely try to forgive my wife for her possible mistake – it is on the ability to forgive, not on the thirst for justice, that a strong relationship is built.

Step2Love hopes that this tips will help you to build strong and sincere relationship with your beloved one.

Be Happy!

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