Happy story on Step2Love! How Anna and Mike got married!


When we receive such stories from our clients, our team has a tear of joy!
Anna got a message that a man is waiting for her to come on her birthday. What a great gift of destiny! She didnt hesitate a minute and bough a ticket to see him. And since that day she never regret of her decision.

It was spring when Anna & Mike met each other in Kiev. By showing him around the streets and landmarks of our capital city, Anna proved to be an enchanting, enlightening and irresistible tour guide for Mike. And Mike proved to be an inspiring and charming companion for Anna….

It was love at first sight. They resumed their then incipient rapport by writing to each other frequently. It was about three months later when they met again in Zurich, where it dawned unto them that they could not stand being without one another.

After their Swiss rendezvous, monthly reunions made farewells increasingly sad for both of them, which led Mike to propose—and Anna to accept—on the New Year. Her life turned to become a fairy tale due to Mike, and he always dreamed of such woman as Anna appeared to be. They put the beginning of such a wonderful journey on that night.

And now, since they are few months as married and live happily in Canada and one beautiful family created.
Courage, strength, decision helped the couple to step on a path of love.
You never know what life brings you, and you must believe in good things if you have love in your heart.

Step2Love – connecting hearts through distances and are insanely happy for Anna and Mike!


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