Importance of the Orthodox Easter!


Easter, or the Resurrection of Christ, is one of the oldest and most important Christian holidays, established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Each year, the date of Easter can fall on different days and months, as it is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar. In 2021, Easter falls on April 4 in Western Christianity and on May 2 in Eastern Christianity.

The Easter service lasts all night. Her solemn moment comes at midnight when the priest announces “Christ is risen!”, And all present respond “Truly he is risen!”. After the service, the process of the consecration of ceremonial Easter dishes begins with Easter cakes, eggs, meat, sausages, butter, fish, and other dishes. The hostess brings beautiful baskets of food, decorated with embroidered towels and candles. After that, people go home, and begin to “break free”.

The whole family gathers at the Easter holiday table. First of all, according to tradition, Easter eggs are eaten. Then everyone tastes a piece of Easter cake and eats other dishes.
Spend the day with your important person.

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