Rushnyk as a symbol of Ukrainian soul and mastery of Ukrainian women

Rushnyk as a symbol of Ukrainian soul and mastery of Ukrainian women-3

Rushnyk is a highly decorated traditional Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian towel with ornamental patterns. The word “rushnyk” comes from the word “ruka” which means “hand”.
Rusnyk is not just an embroidered towel, it is a symbol of Ukraine which connects people with their ancestors, protect and preserves them! Every rushnyk is like a novel about life, nature, people and traditions. Rushnyk was used as a ward, a traditional part of every rite and as a house decoration. At the birth of the child (the rite of birth) mother with a newborn baby were honored with a special rushnyk with bright wards to protect the baby and mother from evil spirits. Rushnyk which was carried to baptize the child must be embroidered by his godmother. The dark-colored threads were banned because according to the traditions only light colors meant good fate for a babe.
Rushnyk played an important role in the wedding rituals. Traditionally a Russian bride had to embroider dozen rushnyks. If she didn’t have a lot of time, she asked all the women in a family for a help. Wedding rushnyks were decorated very rich and bright. When a Russian bride was driven to her groom’s house, 12 bridesmaids carried 12 rushnyks as a symbol of family wealth and skills of a Russian woman! There were at about 40 different types of wedding rushnyks. People believed that while embroidering the wedding rushnyks, a Russian bride embroidered the future of her family, so she must do it only in a good mood and in the daytime.
The main wedding rushnyk, “nognyk”(“noga”–a“foot”) symbolized the way of life, so it must be long and beautiful, every Russian bride had to embroider it by herself. When two loving people were getting down on the rushnyk it meant they were connected to God and had his blessings. Nowadays people still use this tradition while getting married in a church or a registry office.
Rusnyks that were adorned icons were different for a Russian bride and a groom. They had common elements in ornament – lily flowers, which symbolized the procreation. The female rushnyk has grape leaves with bunches of grapes, which symbolized prosperity in the house, viburnum – a symbol of feminine. Men’s rushnyks had oak leaves and acorns, which meant stability and male strength and health.
“Bozhnik” – rushnyk which adorned icons in the corner was the most important part of the house. It was very long and beautiful, and Russian women uttered prayers while embroidering it.
“Khlebnik” was a very special rushnyk which were used to put bread on it. People valued bread so to put in on a table was a big sin. Ukrainian women embroidered a lot of rushnyks on different holidays, for example, there were special Easter and Maslenitsa rushnyks which were given to relatives and friends as a symbol of hospitality and family ties. Even after the death rushnyks were with a person: they carried the coffin, were hung on the gravestone cross.
Ornamental patterns meant a lot for ancient Ukrainians: viburnum was the Ukrainian family tree, Oak and viburnum were the symbols of beauty and strength. Lily was a symbol of purity and innocence, rose – the renewal of life, hop meant youth and love.
Peacocks were very important birds on the wedding rushnyks because the Peacock as the Firebird was a symbol of family happiness. Falcons, pigeons and roosters symbolized the honeymooners. Swallow meant the good news and changers in a family.
Nowadays rushnyks also mean a lot for Ukrainians and Russians, every rushnyk is inherited from generation to generation. But of course the contemporary Russian brides don’t embroider dozen of rushnyks for their wedding. You can enjoy the beauty of rushnyk in a lot of Ukrainians houses, in Ukrainian churches and museums and also in Cherkassy Museum of Ukrainian rushnyk. The exhibition consists of more than 500 rushnyks which represent the Ukrainian soul and mastery of hardworking Ukrainian women!

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