Our Ukrainian Refugee story: Nadia


Hello, my name is Nadia and I had to move to Europe.

Waking up on February 24th, I heard explosions in Kyiv, turning on the TV, I found out that the war had begun. I was in Kyiv for 5 days and most of the time I spent in a bomb shelter. Once I didn’t sleep the whole night. I made the decision to leave. I went to the border with Poland. I stood there for 10 hours, and then finally passed the border. The Poles are very sincere people, they fed me and settled me in a refugee shelter. I stayed in Poland for 1.5 weeks, but then I left further, as more and more people came from Ukraine. Now I am in Italy, but my heart and soul remained in Ukraine.

I dream of returning to Ukraine every day and before going to bed I make a single wish: Peace in Ukraine.
2022-04-01 13.11.43

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