The bright holiday of Easter is celebrated by Christians around the world. For both Catholics and Orthodox believers, it is the most significant date in the church calendar.
Most Orthodox churches celebrate Easter on one the days from April 4 to May 8.
The Catholic Church has been using the Gregorian Paschal since 1582, based on the more modern Gregorian calendar. As a result, Catholic Easter is often celebrated before or on the same day as Jewish Easter, and can also precede Orthodox Easter for more than a month.
The difference between Catholic and Orthodox Easter is not only in dates.
On Easter morning, according to Catholic tradition, adults hide colored eggs at home, and children must find them. There is a popular belief that the Easter Bunny brings them (the Orthodox do not have such a custom). During the entire Easter week, Catholics organize street performances on religious topics, and also organ music concerts are held in Catholic churches …
As for the tradition of Orthodox celebration, it is good to meet this day in clean or new clothes, because it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. On Easter people paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, and set a rich table. On this day people go to the church and then relatives gather at a large table. Roasted lamb is commonly served as the main dish. At the beginning of an Easter dinner, each person takes one painted egg and cracks it against the other around the table and the person with the last uncracked egg wishes good luck until the next Easter.
The sacred holiday of Easter brings a lot of joy and kindness to all people all over the world and unites all nations! Let it be special for all people this year too!