Light Up Your Weekend with 25% OFF on Letters!


As the weekend approaches, it’s the perfect time to connect with that special someone in your life. Whether you’re just getting to know each other or you’re deepening an existing connection, a thoughtful letter can make all the difference. And this weekend, we’re giving you an extra reason to reach out — 25% off on all letters!

Why send a Letter?
In a world where communication often happens in quick text messages in chat, taking the time to write a letter is a powerful way to show someone that they’re on your mind. A letter allows you to express your feelings, share stories, and ask questions in a way that’s deeply personal and meaningful.

When you write a letter, you’re not just sending words—you’re sending a piece of yourself. It’s a chance to be creative, to be vulnerable, and to show your authentic self. Plus, receiving a letter is a special experience in itself. There’s something magical about opening a letter and reading words that were written just for you.

How to Make the Most of This Offer
Here’s how you can make the most of our 25% off on letters this weekend:
– Send a letter with the words you have been wanted to say
– Send Video letter
– Open letters which you have been wanted to

Why This Weekend?
August 18th is National Couples Day, so we decide to celebrate it with 25% off on all letters, it’s the perfect opportunity to express yourself and strengthen your bond.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer! Light up your weekend with a heartfelt letter and see where it takes you.

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