Special offer for Easter gifts!

Special offer for Easter gifts!

Easter is not only traditional Orthodox holiday but it is also celebration of the spring. Surprise your Lady with wonderful Ester gifts! GREAT OFFERS FOR ANY GIFT PURCHASE! Buy one gift to your lovely lady and receive FREE bottle of wine to be delivered with your order! Trees start to bloom, the weather is getting warmer and warmer and everybody are waiting impatiently for Easter Sunday – the holiest day of the year, the celebration of the resurrection of Christ.Easter morning people go to church bringing in decorated baskets the variety of food to the priest to sanctify and bless all the dishes. Usually people put to the baskets traditional Easter food: Kulich, patterned eggs (krashanky), different types of meat, butter, cheese, salt,etc.

This day people greet each other with words “Khrystos voskres!” (Christ is risen!) and than answer “Voistynu Voskrese!” (Indeed He is risen!). After the ceremony people go home and have Easter breakfast, sharing blessed food.

It is not surprising, that the best presents this day are main attributes of Easter – Kulich and krashanky. Usually they go into the basket with other dishes. Basket should be nicely decorated with embroidered serviettes, red ribbons and some spring flowers. Such basket is the symbol of joy and pride of the family.

Kulich is the most honored bread, and is the symbol of atonement on the cross by Jesus Christ. It is baked from yeast dough and decorated with colored glaze. Kulich baking is considered as important ritual, because depending on how good it is in the end the better future is predicted.

Krashanky are boiled eggs, colored and decorated in different ways. Krashanky are the symbol of the rebirth and resurrection. Traditionally egg design expressed folk culture and had usual pattern elements of certain region.


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