The Language Of Flowers

In all ages people loved flowers for their beauty and wonderful fragrance. Colorful green plants were used for decoration of costumes and hats, houses and streets. Troubadours composed songs about flowers, comparing their charm with delicate female beauty.

Ladies always loved flowers very much and still do it, without reference to their age or skin color. If you’d like to pleasure to any your acquainted lady – or to your special lady from Step2Love – just send her flowers.

But flowers are not only an admirable short-lived thing, they also may be an instrument of the expression of your feelings, and symbolize not only respect, tender, attention, passion or love – but also express the more various gamma of sentiments.

The fine art called the Language Of Flowers was appeared at the East like Turkish Selam in harems, zenanas and bedchambers of local grandees. It was brought to Europe by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu who was the wife of the Ambassador of Great Britain in the Ottoman Empire.

“There is no color, no flower, no weed, no fruit, herb, pebble, or feather that has not a verse belonging to it; and you may quarrel, reproach, or send letters of passion, friendship, or even news, without ever inking your fingers,” wrote Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in her letters.

After publication of her letters the fashion to the Language Of Flowers had become very popular in Europe. European aristocracy had a fancy for sending some floral “messages” to each other, and gossip, conspiracies and intrigues were made using different plants and flowers.

For instance, by the Language Of Flowers, sunflower was a proof of pure intentions, white lily meant purity, yellow chrysanthemum told about renounced love, lavender hinted to doubts or meant devoutness, violet was a proof of loyalty and a red tulip meant declaration of love. Ladies of the swell society were spending a lot of time trying to decipher a meaning of received bouquet.

Nowadays this fine art is forgotten. But some meanings were preserved to the present days. So even simple roses that you may choose on Step2Love as a gift to your beloved, may have different meanings.

Red roses symbolize sincere love and passion. Such a bouquet actually means love confession.

Pink roses hint to the youth and tenderness of your lady. But if you will send them to mature lady, it would be interpreted like an expression of your courtesy and respect to her.

White roses bear witness to the purity and sincerity of your intentions.

The amount of flowers also has its own meaning:
3 roses: “I love you!”, “Be mine!”;
5 roses: “I wish you happiness!”, “Good luck to you!”;
7 roses traditionally must be sent before engagement;
9 roses: “Let’s be friends!”;
15 roses mean appreciation and esteem;
21 roses: “I’m ready to do anything for the sake of you!”

So if you are lost in thought what bouquet it would be better send to your lady from Step2Love, you may take an advantage of the common meanings of these flowers and express your feelings with your gift!

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