Naughty Curls Or Sleek Tresses?

They say that ladies with curly hair usually want to have straight and on the contrary ladies who have straight tresses dream about curls. But the genetics is an adamant science and it is not so easy to change your nature. So ladies often undertake different wiles for the sake of changing character of their hair and to become more beautiful.

And what do men prefer? Naughty curls or sleek tresses?

The right answer to this question will be following: men prefer all kind of female hair because they value the whole woman. :) Not only eyes, legs or hair – but the whole lady’s body, her appearance and intellect and, of course, her soul and character.

It can be surprising but people often believe that lady’s character may depends on her hair – and not only on the color. The type of woman’s hair, like soft or hard, curly or straight is also reflected in her nature.

For instance, they say that ladies with naughty curls are usually very emotional and impulsive. They can quickly take a decision but similarly can change it. They have pleasant character and can energize others. That’s why people often love these ladies and look for their attention.

Ladies who have wavy hair, also have persistent and goal-oriented character. They always know what they want and also know how to receive it. But at the same time their nature is very flexible. They have an inborn sense of diplomacy and can find a common language with everyone.


Ladies with sleek and straight hair often are a changeable and carefree sort of person. But in a hard situation they are able to show a strong character and to defend their point of view. These people usually are very devoted to their friends and family.

As for the women with thick and luxuriant hair, they love their life and want to receive “everything here and now”. They like to be in the limelight. Also they have a great strong suit – an ability to patch up any dispute.

But these observations can be explained logically. Northern people usually have more soft and thin hair and on the contrary, Southern have hard and thick chevelure. So the type of the hair can be a reflection of the genes of concrete man or woman and this has some connection with the patterns of the national way of thinking and mentality. So the type of our hair (the same as our character and way of thinking) can be connected with our ancestors. No wonder that we also inherit some qualities of their character – with the similarity in our appearance.

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