World Paper Free Day

Hello everyone! Have you ever thought about the importance of paper in your life? It really helps human life in recording information and its keeping. Paper makes possible spreading the information not only from person-to-person, but also from generation to generation as well. Paper retains the knowledge and skills of our ancestors, with paper knowledge became cumulative. This material also can be used for wrapping (presents), packing (objects), and different paper hobbies, which Russian ladies just adore (among them are scrapbooking, quilling, paper cutouts, and origami). Our life, I must tell you, is almost impossible to believe without paper.

But let’s pay attention to another important aspect. The circumstance which is worth observing is to wonder how we should be more efficient without wasting paper. Going paperless is the famous key part of the progress. So, the large, medium-sized and small industries, as well as business organizations have to reduce carbon footprint and to limit paper use. It is a rather difficult task, because it concerns not only minimizing the paper wasting through the proper use of existing technologies, but also requires a different approach to work and a different mind-set. That’s why because every fourth Thursday of October people celebrate World Paper Free Day – day when they try to do without paper at least most of this day.

On this Thursday, October 24th, 2013, World Paper Free Day is celebrated for the 4th time. It is considered to be a virtual event, so if you want to take part, you could join this event everywhere. It concerns your home, office, travelling, even holidays. Business organizations are proposed to work as the paperless offices. It means that everybody who shares this event has not to copy, print, fax or use information on paper. One can’t also distribute printed information, using instead of it another sources. Actually, it helps to increase work productivity and to save printing and paper costs. The various methods come out, from non-accepting paper documents to different contests on the best idea how to remove paper from business operating processes. It helps to save trees as well.

So, can you do without paper if only for a day?



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