Bad Habits Spoiling Relations

Good and healthy relations which always bring joy to both partners remind really hard work on which you don’t have weekends or vacations. And there are lots of things which we constantly repeat because of this is our habits. Yet, some of such habits may become really bad for relationships and lead to misunderstandings or lots of irritations. It will be easier to stop doing some typical things instead of having constant quarrels. Try to think over: do you have the following bad habits?

The first one is fooling around. At the beginning of your relations this surely looked cute and funny, as everyone likes to be a little bit childish. But the time passes, and if you keep on playing dumb, you will notice that this doesn’t help you at all. Relationships should have serious basis, and if you avoid this, they will probably not work. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should be constantly as serious as London beefeaters, but some amount of seriousness should be present.

If you have started serious relations, forget about flirting with other, even if this is your lifestyle and you are really used to such behavior model. Even the slightest compliment to another lady may make yours one really upset and launch an avalanche of jealousy. Remember that is you want to have strong relations, you need to give all your attention and compliments to only one special lady – yours. And jealousy is also not too great for relations, as it may become really maniacal. You wouldn’t probably want to stay near a lady who sees a rival in any female and thinks that you are ready to run away from her to someone else.

Starting living together means common mode of life with different dish washings, laundry, grocery shopping and other. Sometimes we tend to keep on repeating that we need something to be done by our partner, and this is quite normal. But if you keep on overwhelming with really lots of requests, your partner will probably get tired of this and will try hard not to help you but to hide from you. This will also in no way lead to healthy relationships, so try to control yourself.

When it comes to quarrels and fights, which happen in absolutely any couple, some people tend to shout and abuse each other instead of solving the occurred problem. This may only lead to both of you feeling greatly abused, but the problem will not vanish.

Sometimes you may feel like you are tired of each other because of being together for too long time. This is normal for those who have long-termed relations. On the other hand, you should do something unusual together to get rid of such boredom. This shouldn’t be something global like a trip around the world. For example, physical labor unites people greatly. If you have a house in a village or live in countryside, take care of your garden together. You will notice that common getting rid of weeds and planting something will make you feel more attached to each other, and at the end of the day, when your bodies will ache after the hard labor, you will be really happy to sit together on a cozy sofa hugging and discussing such an unusual and uniting day.

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