Real Love Is not Like in Movies

It is often said that some couples are in love like in real movies. This means that their relations are really strong, they love and appreciate each other, and everything looks more like a fairy tale rather than reality. On the other hand, is love from movies at least somehow resembles those whirlpools of feelings and events which we experience in real life? Unfortunately, it almost doesn’t.

Our life lasts for almost a century. While a movie lasts only an hour and a half. This means that the characters don’t actually have enough time to think everything over. They fall in love really fast, they almost don’t have any problems or have a few which they have to solve also quickly until the movies is over. So, your relations may develop during decades before they become really strong and there will be lots and lots events uniting or separating you, but in  movies everything will be much faster and easier. Except the situation when this is a romantic drama and everyone is going to die.

If you watch a romantic movie attentively, you will notice that when a character wants to prove love, he makes some really big deed or shows significant sign (which usually makes common women watching a movie feel envy). In reality there might not be such event. Your partner usually makes small deeds for you, but they will last during all your life, not for a couple of minutes before the final subtitles.

Real love doesn’t make you show your affection every day and every minute of your existence. You have your time, you go for a work or just move around the house cleaning it. Romantic movie characters have always to be bright showing their love for everyone watching them or you will feel bored and it will not be romantic movie at all. They are also really too much romantic. The majority of men don’t like such movies right because of this mawkishness, but women are just crazy about such moments. This means that they may not have enough romance in their life, so this is the sign for you to act and pay more attention to her.

Movies show you too ideal-looking people. Women wake up in the morning with ideal hairdo and ideal makeup, men are always handsome and even never sweat. Don’t forget that your woman may look not as great in the morning as she did in the evening. And you are also not a Hollywood actor, so don’t get upset watching such movies, as we are real people with our flaws, and they make us unique and not as plain as the actors on the screen.

Usually, characters of the movies don’t care about the money. Restaurant every day? Not a problem. A fashionable closed party? Not a problem. A golden ring with a diamond just for engagement (and the another one with even bigger brilliant for the wedding) – just an issue of a moment. Don’t forget that we live in real life. Not all of us can afford such cool and expensive things so easily.

No matter how hard the relations of a movie couple are and no mater which problems they have, they will almost always stay together at the end with the notion that everything will be great with them and they will never separate. In real life that doesn’t always work.

Remember that romantic movies are created just to impress you. If you really try to repeat everything you see on the screen, you will probably go mad, or at least everyone around you will think so, as this is just unreal and unnatural for normal and healthy relations.

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