The 20th of March – Proposal Day!

Every long-lasting relations have some logical ending. A couple either decides to stay together forever or sooner or later understand that they don’t quite fit each other. If in your situation you’ve been beating around the bush for years thinking over how to tell your lady that it is time for her to become your wife, and you couldn’t choose the proper date – the 20the of March will help you, as this is the official Proposal Day!

This curious holiday, which is not far from the St. Valentine’s Day, by the way, was invented by a guy named John Michael O’Loughlin. It happened so that his cousin had a boyfriend who couldn’t reach her heart, so the man created such a holiday. The date he chose wasn’t accidental, as the 20th of March is the day when night and day have equal length, and this represents equal efforts people make in relations to make them strong and stable. So, if it happened so that you didn’t make a proposal on Valentine’s Day, and just didn’t want to be trivial – you may use this day to make your beloved person happy!

On the other hand, don’t think that this means that you will surely receive positive answer. Of course, you may purchase a ring and a bunch of flowers, but your lady may not be ready for this. People are all different, and everyone has their own views on this question.

You may not obligatory make a proposal on this day. You may try to discuss your mutual future, if you really have long-lasting relations and feel that you are ready to bound your life with someone else. First, try to ask your beloved person about how she sees your future. What does she want to achieve? Does she want to have children? Does her answers fit your desires and views? If not, you may try to talk on different issues and come to some conclusion. You will either find a common language, or you will understand that this person actually doesn’t fit you. In the last case, there is no need to get too upset, as it is better to keep on looking for your real another half rather than to spend it with someone who will make you unhappy.

Don’t forget that not a proposal will go without a ring (of course) and flowers! In this warm spring day Daffodils will fit most of all. And also the flower of the 20th of March is Love-In-a-Mist – the one which is used for spices, but you may be original and present them. These flowers are also really beautiful and will not yield some typical roses or camomiles. Just be brave and confident!

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