Most Annoying Men’s Habits

Sometimes you can not understand what’s wrong with your relationship. You try to make it better but it still doesn’t work. What happens? Take a look on yourself, maybe it’s because of one of your habits which irritates your beloved lady every day?

Most of Ukrainian women hate some men’s habits but prefers not to focus on them. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t want you to get rid of them. But they do not talk about such things. This is a strange women’s practice to try not to pay attention to such questions and to hope that you’ll understand why she’s annoyed without her explanations. So maybe this list will help you think it over and discuss it with your beloved lady.

Self-neglect and dowdiness. Yes, women understand that men differ from them and don’t like to waste too much time on such things as self-care. But ladies also want their men to be attractive and groomed. It shows your lady that you want her to like you. But if you don’t pay enough attention to self-care, she may decide that you don’t want her to love you.

Disorganization. If you always contrive to be late everywhere (even on your own date!) or often decide to sit for a while at the computer instead of hurry up if needed, yes, this is a big problem for your lady too. Nobody loves when someone wastes his time.

Men’s selfishness. If you talk predominantly about yourself and very seldom give your attention to your lady and her interests and desires, this is also a problem. She’s looking for a man who is not selfish. She needs someone who will always ask how is she and how was her day. She needs a man who will share her emotions and will support her if needed. So try to pay attention to her more often.

Disrespect to women. Indecent things in your profile or in your first letter may cause disgust of well-mannered ladies. Yes, some intimate talks are allowed if you are really close, but at the very beginning of your correspondence it will seem very depreciatingly. As a rule, Ukrainian women do not look with favor on such things.

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