Ideal Standards for Relations

Relations can bring you lots of joy and pleasure when you finally find that very ideal person with whom you would like to spend every minute of your days. On the other hand, when you fall in love, your head stops thinking adequately and you almost can’t understand when something starts going wrong. If you want to keep your relationship healthy, you need to stick to several standards which will never let you down.

If it happens so that your couple constantly abuses you, this is the loud sign that these relations will not lead to anything good. This means that there is no respect from her side, and you will not manage to be happy with her, as with time passing everything will become even worse.

You both have to contribute something into your relations, as this is mutual work of two people. Even if in your family a woman doesn’t work, this doesn’t mean that she will just lie on a sofa doing nothing or will be visiting clubs and shops any time she wants. She has to understand, that she needs to do something for house and for you two. If she claims that she is a princess and deserves only to be cared on hands, and that anything else is not her business – allow her to keep on looking for another prince, and you will receive not a happy family but a capricious child with big financial demands.

Try to find out the lady’s attitude towards such bad habits as smoking and drinking. If the first one can be removed almost easily, the second one can become tragedy for your family. No one wants to have dipsomaniac by his side, especially a woman, as they can cope with this bad habit much harder than a man.

The next criteria is quite logical. You should be the only man for your woman. It is not said about her colleges on job or old friends, but she shouldn’t keep on flirting with other men as if she is still alone and go to different clubs or else with them just because they have asked. You may try to talk with your lady about such behavior, but if she continues, you surely don’t need such a harum-scarum. Beside, there should be physical attraction from your side, as the problem can be because you don’t pay enough such kind of attention, and the woman has to look for it somewhere else.

You can be completely different people from different social levels or educational grounds, but there still must be something that you have in common. This may be the same genre of movies or better similar views on life and its values. Without this you will not manage to come to any conclusion to make both of you happy.

Finally, you just need to be happy staying near this woman. If you don’t feel something like this, there is no need to stay by this person, as the main reason of relationship is to make both in the couple happy.

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