What are Your Quarrel Skills?

If somewhere in the world would exist a couple that has never had any quarrel, we should had to immortalize it in a monument. But if you already have a relationship with Slavic beauty or any other woman, you probably know that, unfortunately, it’s impossible to build any relationship in a couple without quarrels.

Every couple has a quarrel from time to time, then partners make it up and quarrel again, and so on. A course of conduct can help you bear with that and make up a quarrel – or vice versa, can turn your lady against you. So what the way you choose? And does it help you?

Most of people choose passive-aggressive course. If you feel hurt, you may ignore your lady’s letters and invitations to chat. Or you may send her a letter with ambiguous sarcastic remarks. This course is directed to show your displeasure but it also gives you a possibility to say that you have never meant the things that your partner noticed. It seems, thanks to this you always have the opportunity to say that all of this is her mistake only.

But you should remember that such a course is a manipulation. At first your lady will feel that she made something wrong and will try to make up for her mistake. But after a while she can decide that such a course of conduct is just in your way. She’ll decide just to wait for a while to let you forget it. She will just stop to take you seriously.

The more effective way in such a situation is to express your emotions and talk about the reasons of your displeasure. Try to explain her how you feel about this situation and what you expect from her. If you are too angry to discuss something, distance between you becomes an advantage. Wait for a few hours, calm down and tell her about your thoughts, feelings and expectations. Stay calm and control your emotions. The calm and detailed discussion will help both of you understand each other and correct your behavior. Show your lady that you are not her enemy but a friend who wants to understand the situation and find a way to solve the problem together.

And if both of you will stay open-hearted, you’ll find your way to make up this quarrel and maybe even to avoid the next one!

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