Habits of Happiness: a Few Secrets of Being Cheerful and Optimistic

Sometimes bad mood can change everything for worse. Especially in your relationship with your beautiful Ukrainian lady. In course of time such pessimistic way of thinking insensibly becomes your everyday habit and you do not pay attention that you feel yourself unhappy. So how to change it and become a cheerful and optimistic guy? There are a few habits which may help you become happy.

It’s said that the dehydration of human organism even for a 1% can become a reason of depression. That’s why scientists recommend to keep a glass of water near the bed and drink it every day after awakening. Water will give you some energy for the new day.

Do you have a pet? If no, bring it to your home and it will make you smile more often. Take into account that, as a rule, cats bring some peace to your house and dogs make it more joyful. If you want smile everyday, make friendship with a dog! Either way playing games with a pet increases the level of hormone dopamine and serotonin in your organism and helps you to feel yourself cheerful.

Stylish appearance lifts up your mood and self-esteem. Pay more attention to your clothes every day, smile to your reflection in a mirror and you’ll feel yourself better and happier.

Anyway, smile as often as possible. Psychologists proved that unhappy people have unhappy faces. To change it make a practice to smile in front of the mirror within a 5 seconds at least. It helps you habituate yourself to smile and do it more often.

Listen to your favorite music. No matter where you are and what are you doing now, while working in your office, while jogging in park, having a rest in the house, working out in a gym – listen to your favorite music and let it make you feel better.

Let your brain rest. Use different organizers, scratchpads and calendars to note important things instead of keeping them in mind. More notes – less brainwork – more rest – more positive emotions!

You are not obliged to do anything. Just do what you see fit. Don’t force yourself to do the things you don’t like. If you will, it will make you feel worse. Motivate yourself to do unpleasant things or avoid them at all.

Go in for sports. This is trivial advice but sports helps you feel yourself better and good form makes you feel happiness every day.

Talk to your close people and your special lady from Step2Love. Discuss your day, joke and laugh together. Let these people make your day bright and make your spirits good!

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