Possessiveness in Your Relationship

Possessiveness in Your Relationship

As you probably discussed with your Ukrainian lady from Step2Love, strong relationship should be based on trust and responsibility. But sometimes your nature begins to prevail over your mind and it changes everything. Your lady increasingly notices that you accuse her of communication with other men. At the same time you may notice that you have become estranged in your relations.

What is happening with your relations? Most likely, you destroy them by yourself because of your possessiveness. Such a kind of nature is close to jealousy and can not coexist with such features as trust, faith, love and mutual understanding in relations. Possessiveness hinders you to estimate your beloved lady and your relationship objectively; you try to turn her into an object of your love and adoration without her own opinion, desires, needs etc. Sooner or later a sane woman will try to cease such a relationship which hinders her to live her life.

That’s why you should ask yourself a few questions about your relationship.

Do you forbid your lady to communicate with other men?
Do you try to expose her in such a communication, for instance, in Live Chat?
Do you accuse her that she ignores you without reasons?
Do you really believe that you should be the only one man she can communicate with in her life?
Do you try to forbid her to add new photos to her profile thinking that the only reason why she is doing this is to attract other men?
Do you feel that your actions are not valued enough by your beloved lady?
Have you ever blamed her for this unjustly?

Your answers “yes” for such questions can be a proof of your groundless jealousy and possessiveness. Remember that these kinds of your nature can destroy your relationship so that you should control them. You should give more freedom to your partner. Don’t try to control everything in your relations and in her life, let her do what she wants. And this space in your relationship will help you become closer again and will bring the trust and love into your relationship

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