Ukraine, Mariupol
Age: 22 years old
Star sign: Leo
Photo Album: 14 photo
1. Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiac signs compatibility?
My zodiac sign is Leo) Something about me in horoscope is true, but I do not fixate on it. I decide by myself what I want to do and where I would like to go, I like to control everything)
2. Finish the sentence: “I am the best because….”
Because I will fulfill each of your desires and because my granny says so))) Hahaha))
3. Are you a sweet-tooth lady?) What are your favorite baking or candies?
Yes I must confess I am a very sweet-tooth lady) My favorites are tiramisu and panna cotta.
4. What last made you laugh?
I am laughing right now during answering your questions))) This is very funny)
5. Do you play any musical instruments? If yes, which is it, if not, which would you like to learn to play on?
Yes, I know how to play on nerves)))hahahha))) I do not play any musical instrument but if I could learn I will prefer to play the guitar…It is very sensual and romantic, how do you think?
6. Which song can describe your life?
I think it will the most legendary song of my favorite rock band Queen “Show must go on!”. No matter what happens in your life, you should always go forward and try to make your life bright!
7. How could you calm yourself when you’re nervous?
If I am nervous I always clean my apartment)) I always try to be busy) And bad thoughts leave me in a few minutes) I just do not have time to be depressed or to be bored)
8. What is your signature dish that you cook best?
Stuffed chicken white meat stuffed with mushrooms and I adore to cook on nature when I am with my friends or with my family, I am the best in cooking mackerel with lemon roasted on the fire! YAMMY))))
9. What is the most useful advice you have been given in this life? And who was the adviser?
What goes around comes around. My mom told me this very long time ago.
10. What upsets you the most in a relationship and what makes you the happiest?
I think that in the relationship between man and woman is simply not acceptable lies, betrayal and distrust. And the most wonderful is an opportunity to share with sadness, joy, passion and just love and care for each other…