Ukraine, Nikolaev
Age: 27 years old
Star sign: Pisces
Photo Album: 10 photo
1. What upsets you the most in a relationship and what makes you the happiest?
Upsets lie and betrayal, it is not possible to build relationships without trust …. Happiness is every minute of free time spent with a loved one-hiking, travel, or just watching the stars together)Not better or worse ….
2. Finish the sentence: “I am the best because….”
I’m such a unique and unrepeatable in the whole world))
3. Are you a sweet-tooth lady?) What are your favorite baking or candies?
I love sweets, some cakes, chocolate and ice cream)))
4. What last made you laugh?
The review of beloved movie “Bruce Almighty”, old but very funny movie))) Adore this acror and you?)
5. Do you play any musical instruments? If yes, which is it, if not, which would you like to learn to play on?
No I do not play musical instruments, but would like to play on the harp. Very romantic yes?..)
6. Which song can describe your life?
Life Is Good life is great life is unbelieveble!!)))
7. How could you calm yourself when you’re nervous?
When I’m nervous or I’m sad, I like to walk in the streets of the city , to visit cozy cafe, to drink coffee or eat a delicious ice cream)))
8. What is your signature dish that you cook best?
My firm dish is pilaf))) Would you like to try one day?)
9. What is the most useful advice you have been given in this life? And who was the adviser?
The most useful advice is not to carry offense in the heart, to forgive human mistakes, it will return to you in a good way… I listen to my mothers advices.
10.Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiac signs compatibility?
I don’t believe, I have more faith in kinship of souls…