Planning a Proposal to Your Loved One

Planning a proposal to your loved one

Make sure that you’re both ready for marriage. A marriage proposal will change your life forever and you should understand that you’re doing it for the right reasons. If you can’t possibly imagine your life without her in it and if she makes everything in your life better and more meaningful, then it’s time to propose. If you’ve been in the relationship long enough to really understand your significant other.

Don’t propose just because you’ve been in the relationship for so long or because all of the people around you are getting married. You should propose when the time is right for you.

Follow the steps

Be confident.  You love her and she loves you. She really loves you, she will be surprised but she will say ‘Yes, I will’ no matter how much you are nervous.

Find the right place to propose. Make sure this place is right one. Just think about how comfortable she will be,even if it’s not really fancy. Take her to a place you are sure she feels great.

Don’t be nervous.  Just calm down. Have a cup of tea, imagine how it’s going to happen and will change your life. Proposal will take few minutes but influence all your future.

Make your best. Make sure that whatever you are doing is the best you can. If you are planning a dinner at a restaurant, make sure that the manager knows that you are proposing and waiters do. That will prevent things from going the wrong way.

Do not make a strict plan.   Spend a good evening. Don’t try to propose by clock, when the perfect moment comes you heart will whisper you this.

Don’t judge too quick.  When you get on your knee and ask her to marry you, don’t be quick in judging. if she takes a while to respond just be sure she is surprised.


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