Why Is It Important to Cuddle

Why Is It Important to Cuddle

A cuddle – the most wonderful manifestation of love, invented by mankind. People in love don’t need anything more for happiness, than to be in the embrace of a beloved, feel her heartbeat and be the happiest person in the world. Scientists have found that embrace increases oxytocin levels – the hormone of love and happiness.

Embrace is good for health. It strengthens the immune system, cures depression, reduces stress and improves sleep. It rejuvenates, invigorates and has no unwanted side effects. Embrace is a truly miraculous remedy for any disease.

This is the smallest part of the importance of embrace. Happy couples say that they start their day with hugs and end it the same way. Psychologists suggest that because of this both partners develop a sense of attachment to each other, their mood improves and they begin to trust each other and feel safe.

Very often modern couples forget about the importance of hugs. Being involved in their cases, problems and concerns they do not even remember that today haven’t caressed a beloved. The lack of intimacy leads to the collapse of relationship, so don’t forget to pay attention to your wonderful lady and often embrace her.

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