Types of Ladies’ Swimsuits

Types of Ladies' Swimsuits

In summer, every lady starts to look for a new swimsuit to impress everyone on a beach. Even if she has several of them in a wardrobe. In modern times, a swimsuit became an integral part of women’s fashion like dresses and shoes. Yet, this clothes also has its history.

In ancient times, everyone was swimming naked, but of course in the 17th century people began to claim that ladies should be modest and in no way open their bodies. So, swimming became really “comfortable”. The first swimsuits reminded more long dresses, even with sleeves. It was highly recommended to hide the body as much as possible. Later, the swimsuit reminded a single costume with trousers and also long sleeves.

In the 19th century the swimsuit divided in two parts. Fashion finally paid attention to this gown and started to develop the industry proving that ladies can be beautiful even in water. Everyone was happy when they received more comfort for having fun in water.

With the coming of sexual revolution everyone stopped hiding bodies and modern open swimsuits appeared. Of course, they close the most intimate parts of the body, but they can be really beautiful.

There are several standard and most widespread types of swimsuits which ladies prefer to wear:

One-piece. A single swimsuit which is rarely put on on the beach as prevents from tanning. On the other hand, it is often used in swimming pools.

Bikini or two piece. The most popular type of swimsuits. It reminds common lingerie, as covers breasts and hips.

Tankini. It is not popular in Ukraine. This type of swimsuits consists of two parts: a long upper part reminding an undershirt, and panties.

Monokini. This is a really frank type of swimsuits. It consists of ope piece but has open sides.

Burqini. This is completely closed swimsuit which leaves only face open. It is used in Muslim countries.

If you want to please your lady, you can always please her with a gift. You may see that there is a possibility on Step2Love to present your lady a swimsuit. She can choose anyone she likes and show you how beautiful she is in it.


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