Love or Job – Both of Course!


It would be really wonderful when no one would need to work at all! Unfortunately, we have to go out and to work hard to earn for living. Besides, it may happen so that work requires so much time that it affects relations! There is no need to worry and to think that all is over, as you can balance between your true Ukrainian love and building career!

Yes, some jobs are very demanding. Your boss may call you at night or tell you to stay at your place for 2-3 hours longer. Try to make boundaries. Make others understand that you have your own life and love, and you need time for them. Making money is important, but another person is even more dear to you. If you refuse once or twice to stay at work till 2.00 at night, this will become normal and your boss will understand that he will no longer manage to use you the way he wants. Be grave to say “No’ to work when you need this.

Try to talk about finances with your beloved woman. There is not always a real need for you to work for two, as your woman can do this too! So, if she agrees to work, this will mean that you will no longer need to overwork, and will have much more free time for her and for your relations.

In case when your job can’t be postponed or you really can’t make everyone understand that you need time for your own life, try to make an exception. Set a certain regular day of the week when you are always free, and nothing can change this. This evening will be the perfect time for being with your beloved partner and enjoying time together going out or staying at home.

If you didn’t notice that work takes too much time from you but you constantly hear claims from your another half, try to imagine yourself on her place. What if you have completely forgotten about her because of your job? Maybe it is because of you you can’t find free time for being together? Be more attentive to you loving lady, as she always wants to be on the first place.

Women really don’t like when something happens unexpectedly (except for receiving gifts). So, if you are going to stay at work for additional time, tell her in advance and also tell when you are going to come back home. What if she was going to meet you at home dressed in beautiful gown, and suddenly will have to wait for 2 hours more not knowing anything? This will frustrate her and make nervous! And the last thing you want to see coming back home from work is an upset and angry woman.

So, if you value your relations, you will always find the possibility to balance your personal life and love and your favorite job.

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