“How can I make your day better?” – this question have to ask each person in a romantic relationship, or in a marriage. One and the most important sign of a perfect lady every man can say. Perfect is the one who makes him happy. But the relationship is the mirror. So is it possible to make the other person happy, if you do not feel happy, you do not have a taste for life and not enjoying it?
It’s a pity, but millions of couples are tired of their relationships, they want to stop everything and say good bye to a person, whom most recently he loved so much. Bad mood, problems at work, depression and much more roll like a snowball and destroy your relationship.
And the longer this snowball rolls, the stronger contradiction in the relationship becomes. Couples begin often to quarrel, it becomes difficult to imagine a peaceful life together. Some of them constantly snarl at each other, and carefully hide the pain behind a stone fortress that has been erected around their hearts.
Only don’t allow that to happen in your relationship! And what exactly to do your will find in this Step2love article. We’ll share a small but great secret that works wonders! You need just to ask everyday your beloved how to make her day better. It’s a very simple formula of the happy relations.
The fulfilled dreams of your lady will make her heart hot. She will be so surprised and in return will do the same for you. She will change, she will want to become the perfect lady for you, and make your dreams come true.
Your relationship will full with harmony and warmth. You will forget about the quarrels. There will not be a wall between you anymore. You will talk – openly and thoughtfully – about what you want from life and how you can make each other happy.
Anyone should ask the question “How can I make your day better?”. This is true love. Novels about love usually ends like “they lived happily ever after”, but “happily ever after” is not born out of the thirst to have and to belong to your loved one. In real life to love means not to be tempted to someone, but deeply and sincerely to wish her (him) happiness. True love doesn’t mean you have to make another person your copy. Love means expanding of our own capabilities — to exercise patience and care for the well-being of your beloved.