What Is Your Eye Color?


A lot of information can be said about a person not only by his or her words and actions, but also according to the poses, gestures, posture, gait, facial expression, preference in clothes and hairstyle. The different constitution of the body, the shape of the nose, the forehead, the wrinkles on the face reflect the personality traits. Of course, eyes are a mirror of the soul. Let’s talk about how a particular eye color affects our character. If you know this information, you can not only better understand yourself, but also will “read”another people around you. Besides, it’s not hard – eye color is always visible.

Green eyes

Green-eyed people differ assertiveness, endurance, stubbornness, stability, hardness, adherence to principles and purpose. They are inclined working hard, if they have the goal — such people will get it, no matter what they need to do, persistently overcoming all obstacles. Green-eyed people are good organizers and they have authority. They, like all bright-eyed, don’t have enough life energy and vitality. They do not really aspire to leadership, but want to be respected. It is very important to such people to be the best professionals in the business. Also they are realistic and fair. Women with the green eyes are always mysterious and enigmatic – now they have one mood, and tomorrow they have quite different. If they love, they will be to the end with their couple, but only in the case if they find their ideal and truly fall in love. Despite the apparent independence and consistency, they are very gentle, kind and tender.

Brown, black eyes

People with such eye color are active, passionate, impulsive and energetic. Gambling, adventurous, enterprising – they can not sit on one place. They always need to reach some heights. They have power inside, by nature are leaders. They have a hot temper, sexy and sensual and emanate charm and warmth. They know how to like. They love to be the center of attention, many of them find it for granted. They need to be first in everything, but for this they require constant approval. Often such people can be conflict and temper,aggressive. However, they can be witty and sociable, easy to agree with people.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are romantic and dreamers. Women prefer beautiful gallant courtship from men. Such women are vulnerable and sensitive. They are easily hurt, and they remember offenses for a long time. They worry a lot of and can change their mood very often. However, the blue color is a cool color, and it means that such people can be cold and even cruel. Blue -eyed people are conscientious, generous and quickly orient in the situation. Blue eyes often have talented people. They have a good imagination.

Grey Eyes

People with gray eyes by nature are workers. They are smart, sensible, thoughtful and inquisitive. Also they can be characterized as practical, realistic, thorough, reliable, conscientious, patient and firmly stand on their feet. There are many thinkers, intellectuals among them. They are not ambitious in communication. They have such trails as independent, self-sufficient and unhurried. They can be called friendly, peaceful people. They can always rely on. They may lack the flexibility and sensitivity in relations with people, on the other hand they differ constancy and fidelity. However, they have difficult in situations where the mind is not mostly – they have difficulties with emotions and intuition. As a rule, they are honest, kind and sympathetic. Such people can be great parents.

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