We can often hear the saying that man’s appearance is not important for women, because the most attractive part of the man is his brain, also is very important to feel the power of men. However, a lot of women disagree with this statement, and they think that man’s looking is very important, especially during the first meeting.
A woman should always look good! But what’s about men? In fact, appearance is important for both sexes. Firstly when we see each other, we pay attention to the body, the face, the smells… It is well known that good-looking guys are “popular” from the girls.
Sometimes, when woman sees a handsome man, she becomes just a “powerless”, especially if he begins to flirt. But the old adage is true that you are judged by appearances at first but by your mind later on. After the first meeting you start getting to know each other better. If your new acquaintance represents absolutely nothing as a person, his “beautiful smiling” will not hide this. According to the meaning about man’s appearance, they are more fortunate, because it is enough to have an open and kind soul, to be interesting, successful and be able to communicate for getting woman’s attention. The success and viability of the men at work and in life can conquer any woman.
Most of the women consider that handsome men are not capable for long and faithful relationship.
Nevertheless, the handsome, and what is the most important, well-groomed man is more desirable and attractive to women.
However, it is a big difference between the recognition that the men is handsome and desire to have a relationship with him. Of course, if to speak about sympathy between man and woman , it is not enough just appearance for getting deeper and more serious feelings. It is well- known fact that men can be quite a long time next to an empty and foolish, but a beautiful, long-legged, big-breasted woman. In the other side, women will not stay with empty-headed men , only if he is good-looking.
After an initial period of relations comes a time when the appearance stop to be a key factor. The common interests and the general perception of the different situations in life come instead of it. It is important to have the common mood. But this is not the phase of relationship when you can show your partner an apathy, sadness or depression. The time of transition the sympathy for the mutual attraction must be accompanied by friendly, warm relations, because only this way will be the ticket to the successful relationship. Now the man’s appearance is still important for the woman, but it is not the main thing.
The family psychologists distinguish several phases of love: affection, attraction, falling in love and love. In fact, the appearance is needed only during the first two phases of love. Then you will found only on traits. Thats why when woman feels that her man is stable, loyal, reliable, loving children, his appearance will be on the second place. If she really likes a man, his smelling, and she wants to have children from him, then be sure, this is your half.
What is your couple? Only you know the answer! What is the main factor in your choice : an external beauty or natural intelligence, or something else? Relying on your inner intuition, you will never go wrong and make a good choice!