When Your Head Can Say better than Your Heart

When Your Head Can Say better than Your Heart

Everyone has at least once in his life got into the situation when heart and head can tell two opposite things. This makes you feel lost, and you can’t make decision or define how you should treat situation. It is also believed that in relations it is better to listen to the heart rather than to head. However, there are cases when your head can be more helpful than heart.

When it goes to deep abusing, your heart may start looking for excuse of such actions. For example, you may think that love is stronger, and this will never happen again, especially if your another half claims this. However, you should keep in mind that abuses and especially physical impact may lead to sad consequences, and if the person did something like this once, this will repeat again.

Cheating is another bad and sad page in relations which usually can’t just be turned over and forgotten. If cheating has happened, there is no place for love any more. Don’t listen to your heart, it will try again to claim that everything will be fine soon, and you will forget about this incident. Actually, this event means that relations are over, and the partner just couldn’t find another way of telling you about this. Listen to your head, it will prove you, that there is nothing else to try to secure and hold by your side.
When Your Head Can Say better than Your Heart

Nowadays, there is a new type of relations which is much popular – using each other. Of course, sometimes both sides are happy with this, as they receive what they want. Yet, if this is not what you want, you will not manage to stay by this person for too long. Such one-sided relations will weaken you and make you vulnerable. Maybe, it is time to look for someone really devoted and appreciating you?

There are many traits which make you different. You can accept some of them or just close your eyes on them. But what if it turns out that you are trying to reach absolutely different goals in your lives? For example, you dream of free and carefree life and your lady dreams of children, and you are not ready for such responsibility. Or you already have children and don’t want any more. In this case, you will soon find yourself in quarrels and spoiled relations. It is better to let a person follow his or her way if these ways go in various directions.
When Your Head Can Say better than Your Heart

And the final aspect which your head can solve better than heart. Think: which emotions your dear person evokes in you? Is this happiness or maybe sadness? Do you have too many quarrels lately? Don’t you want to see each other as less as possible, as you feel only something negative? This means, it is time to stop clinging to this person, as there is nothing waiting for you in future, and your memories about happiness in past will not help you live now.

However, don’t be a hot head. Think everything twice before making such step. Of course, there is something that is impossible to fix, but there are things which can be improved. If you are feeling sad being with each other, why don’t you try to discuss this first? Maybe, there is some small problem which can be solved in no time, and your relations will again become happy and last long!

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