Topics Forbidden for Discussion on the First Meeting

Topics Forbidden for Discussion on the First Meeting

Everyone wants to go on a date, and each date makes you nervous. This day means that you will have to communicate a lot with another person, and if you are interested in her, you would want to make her like you too, so you should be an interesting person with many topics for discussion. However, there are things which you shouldn’t talk about on the very first date. What are they?

Of course, you shouldn’t start your date with the discussion of, for example, how many children you would like to have. Nowadays, not everyone want to have babies, and on the other hand, your first date doesn’t mean that you will have any continuation that serious that you should think about babies. Yet, you may just discuss if you plan to have them in general. This can help you know each other better.

Next, better not to talk about your previous relations, especially if they were too painful for you. Everyone has had at least once bad relations, and everyone knows how this is. On the other hand, no one wants to know how it happened at yours, and how you were separating or how you still suffer. You came to have fun and to create something new, so forget about everything old.
Topics Forbidden for Discussion on the First Meeting
Don’t be too open. You may have some flaws or weird habits, but your lady shouldn’t know everything at the first day. Sometimes, it is better to hide something or let your lady find this out herself. If you give too much information, this may seem more like a CV for applying a job rather than a date, and your lady may feel bored or shocked with too many data.

It is also better not to discuss your problems. For example, problems which happen in your family or at work. Ladies don’t like those who constantly complain. Besides, Women have so many problems that she may start talking about them, and your date will turn into listing of each other’s complaints, and that may leave bad impression about each other.

And, of course, never talk about your finances, your income, credits and problems. This may make a woman think that you are not interested in anything else but money, and to make her think that you are greedy, for example, if you have invited her to a caffee and suddenly began to talk about your low income and the fact that bringing her there was too expensive for you. If you can’t afford going out, there are always more budget variants. Also, not all ladies are interested in your financial state, as they can support themselves and sometimes earn quite well.
Topics Forbidden for Discussion on the First Meeting
So, pay more attention to a lady you are meeting, and your date will be successful. Of course, you may talk about yourself, as a woman is interested in whom she is sitting with at the moment, but she also wants to talk about herself much!

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