Why Do Girls Love Shopping So Much?

Why Do Girls Love Shopping So Much?

Generally speaking it’s a common problem among the women all over the world. The most popular phrases are “I have nothing to wear. I have to buy new clothes.” She can have a lot of clothes but she will always have a problem what she should put on. Actually, not all like this process of buying new things in the shops. Some of them guess that it’s so boring, annoying and they just spend time instead of being at home and watching TV. So, why do women tend to love shopping so much? Why do some girls find it boring?

According to that part of women who consider it fascinating, there is a list of certain answers why they like shopping so much.

Shopping makes us happy
Honestly speaking, it’s true because when you are depressed or feel lonely, the shopping solves this problem in one moment. It’s like a kind of relaxation and this new thing brings you a lot of pleasure. It doesn’t matter what it will be, a notebook or new dress. Your life changes a little bit when you buy a new thing.

We have money
You can’t buy a new pair of shoes without money. This process of relaxation obliges that you should have money if you want to buy some new clothes. Some of us can exchange money for clothes, but not for food. We are so dependent on clothes that we can’t resist a new thing.
Why Do Girls Love Shopping So Much?
The world is not enough
Every woman wants more than she has. If she bought a dress, she needs to buy a pair of shoes, than a bag, some wonderful accessories and so on. And it will never end. She will always want something new.

It’s much more than shopping
We can tell with the confidence that shopping is a kind of hobby, interest, passion. It’s not only a search for the new wonderful jeans but it’s also a small trip in the different shops. Every woman has satisfaction of that bought if it’s really pleasant to her. You are like in the seventh heaven.
Why Do Girls Love Shopping So Much?
Think we need certain things
Sometimes, we buy some certain, small, unnecessary things because these things are pretty cool and cost a little bit of money. We really think that should buy it. We convince ourselves that it’s necessary for us. In most cases these pretty cool things just lie somewhere at home.

According to the girls who really hate, dislike, ignore this time of rest in the shops. They guess that it’s wasting of time. It’s just a purchase of some new clothes to wear no more. But it’s like about 10% of women who guess so. Owing to the love of shopping we can say almost every woman really loves this type of entertainment which is considered useful.

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