Eternal Love – Is It Possible?

Eternal Love – Is It Possible?

Women often dream of eternal and mutual love. But as it is known, sometimes we don’t have what we want. The irony is that women who dream about a great and eternal love often get disappointed. Is there no eternal love? It is not true. The real love is real, but not everybody can find it and save.
«I want to love and to be loved» say people and it is so. This is the main reason to be together, but of course there are many ups and downs in any relations. Often, however, it is impossible to love forever because of unrealistic expectations and misconceptions.

The first misconception is that opposites can attract. The most popular misconception, but unfortunately, it is a fatal mistake. If people have different temperaments, habits and characters, they can be attracted only at the beginning of relations. Firstly, such people can be together only because they are interested in something new. Soon this “attractive” difference can destroy an eternal love. Similar views on things, education and the common social level are much more important for a strong couple.

The second misconception is that the main thing is love. Of course, love is very important, but it is not enough for marriage. Couples with common interests, values and judgments have all chances to resume a loving relationship, unlike the relations, which are based only on a desire to love forever. Before creating a couple, you have to seriously consider what you have in common with your partner. How do you feel with each other in future? If the plans and objectives are compatible, then love will be a good resource for their implementation.
Eternal Love – Is It Possible?
The third misconception is to base your relations only on sex. Sure, sex is the foundation of a happy and harmonious relationship. But the desire of being beloved one can not be realized, if you base everything only on sex. If trust, spiritual unity and mutual understanding are absent between man and woman, the relationship won’t exist. Passion is great feeling, but it should be fed with respect and trust otherwise sooner or later the relations will lose their importance.

The fourth misconception is opinion that a cottage is a castle for those in love. The first time when you are in love, you may not pay attention to financial difficulties, but remember, if you really decide to be together forever and create family, you need to have money for living and money for future children. Lack of money will provoke quarrels and one day this problem can break even the strongest couple.
Eternal Love – Is It Possible?
The fifth misconception is habit as a substitute for happiness. For thinking about future and creation the family with someone, you have to be sure that you love this person, because if it is not so, this woman will irritate you. If you feel that something is very annoyed in person, it is better to think about your willing to accept it. Can you forgive her disadvantages?

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