What Is Health?

What Is Health?

This question can look banal but there is really something to talk about.
The most common understanding of the word “health” is based on the absence of disease. This approach, of course, has a right to exist, but it is now necessary to recognize obsolete and inadequate. The World Health Organization (WHO), which is an undoubted authority in matters of health, except for the absence of the disease in the concept of health includes the “complete physical, mental and social well-being”, and the ability and the opportunity to “lead a socially and economically productive life.”

We take the liberty to introduce healthy person corresponding to this model: it is an active, positive-minded person, pleased with his career, social status and family status, having sufficient income to meet the normal needs.

Thus, about half the quality of our health depends on our desire to change our lifestyle for the better. Unfortunately, not always in our power to significantly improve our financial well-being, which, as we found out, influences life, but virtually any level of income can be achieved significant progress in strengthening our health.
What Is Health?
So, a healthy lifestyle can be defined as behavior that is based on sound scientific and regulations aimed at the preservation and promotion of health, including the activation of protective forces, maintaining a high level of productive activity and to achieve longevity. Pay attention to the details concerning sound scientific standards. Despite the fact that these standards are variable, they are a sure guide.

The inclusion of this guideline in the definition of a healthy way of life is due to the prevalence of various “recovery programs”, created sometimes quite ignorant people while collecting many followers. Unfortunately, often these “programs” lead to the opposite effect – instead of healing a person gets a whole bunch of new health problems.
What Is Health?
The formation of lifestyle affect:
the level and quality of life, usually defined income and material security;
lifestyle, which is the result of person’s own plants and the influence of his family; way of life characteristic of this ethnic group and the conditions of existence of a particular state.
Simply put, our way of life shaped by our income, personal attitudes and our family units, as well as generally accepted behavioral patterns.

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