Are you a gentleman?

Are you a gentleman?

The real man is not the one who has muscles and Mercedes. Of course it is important to have income and great physical shape, but the real man should have willpower and ability to behave himself in society. That’s why it is very needed to know the rules of modern etiquette.

In this article you can find some important rules for yourself how to be polite with a woman, in public transport, public places and so on. Real man should be elegant, not only in the choosing of his clothes, but in his manners.

To know etiquette is very important especially for man. It forms your image, authority, respect and can describe you as educated and strong man. Why is strong? Because only man with strong character can follow these rules every day.
Are you a gentleman?
There are some rules of etiquette for men who have a car or use taxi, public transport.
→ the man should go out of the car first. He must go around the car to open the door from the side of the girl and help her to get out;
→ before to sit in the car, man must open the door and help the woman to sit down next to him, holding her elbow;
→ if a couple is in a taxi, they are both supposed to sit back. A man should not sit next to the driver, leaving lady on the back seat! It is important to remember that woman should take her sit first and only then a man.

Don’t forget that a man must be a gentleman everywhere and in all situations, including public transport:
→ if there are some standing women in the bus, a man shouldn’t sit down, even if there are empty seats;
→ before entering to the public transport, a man according to the rules of etiquette should pass a lady first then the other women and only after them to come in.
→ but a man have to come out the bus (tram, train, etc.)first, taking his hand to the lady.
Are you a gentleman?
The rules of etiquette for a man is on a date.
→ In no case should a man to be late for a meeting with a woman! He may come a little earlier. If you know that you will be late, you need to call the girl and apologize for the delay;
It is normal for a woman to be late for a date for 10-15 minutes.
→ talking with a lady, a man should not keep his hands in the pockets (terrible habit!). Also, do not cross your arms on your chest or take something in the hands for example the lighter, keys and so on;
→ don’t smoke when your lady is next to you! If you want to do it very much, you should apologize and go outside. But if your lady smokes also, the man first of all should offer a cigarette to his companion ;
→ do not overdo with perfume! The scent of cologne, eau de toilette and deodorant should be barely caught;
→ never leave the girl alone. For example, if you came to the restaurant saw your friends. Just say hello and pay attention to your lady. Remember, if you met a large company of your friends (10 people), then according to the rules of etiquette you may shake hands only with one of them;
Are you a gentleman?
→ don’t discuss about your income, politics, religion, appearance or family problems of your acquaintances in a conversation with a lady. Otherwise a man will be as a “gossip girl”.
→ you can present pink or red roses only to beloved women! If it is your first dating with a lady, it is better to buy white flowers.

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