How Not to Destroy Love Every Day

How Not to Destroy Love Every Day

Relations with the other half should always be in priority. To save your feelings and not let life together with your loved one become a routine, you just need to prioritize, to be able to find a compromise and respect your life partner. Adhering to a few simple but effective recommendations, many couples will be able to protect their love from everyday life:

1. Relationship with spouse should be on the one of the first places in the list of priorities. This does not mean that you need to ruin career, to give up a hobby, not to visit relatives, etc.; simply choosing between being able to spend a few hours with the second half and writing the report on the work, it is better to give preference to the first.

2. Meaning of tenderness in a relationship is difficult to overemphasize. When communicating with a spouse, you need to show your affection and love for your loved one and to talk about your feelings. Words of love and affection, gestures, showing the care, display of your feelings in public – that are, at first glance, little things, but they are very important, because due to them your loved one will always feel that she is loved and cherished by you.
How Not to Destroy Love Every Day
3. Surprises and unexpected nice gifts – a simple way to show your loved one that feelings for her are not cooled. Even if the overall budget and the habit of all purchases to plan ahead, it is necessary from time to time to please a second rug surprises and gifts – it will not only help maintain a sense of novelty and romance in a relationship, but will also be a demonstration of your concern and desire to do something nice for your loved one.

4. Embark on a journey together at least once a year – a trouble-free method to bring novelty into the relationship and “freshen up” feelings. Even if the funds do not allow to buy a tour at any resort, do not despair – even 3-4 days spent together in another city, away from the bustle and daily activities, have a beneficial effect on the relationship.

5. In all contentious issues and conflict situations need to learn to give in or compromise. Frequent quarrels and scandals with her husband – a great way to wear down the nerves themselves, and its second half. The notion that a quarrel bring passion into the relationship, thus strengthening the relationship between husband and wife, mistakenly by 99% – in the family of people are looking for is not only passion, but also a psychological comfort, but always live “on a powder keg” like it is not for everyone.
How Not to Destroy Love Every Day
6. Sexual attraction spouses for each other – the key to harmony in otnosheniyah6. Pay enough attention to their appearance at home – yet another way to keep the home kill feeling. For some reason, many people believe that only at work or on the walk you need to look great, and you can go home with anything. Of course, wearing a home designer dresses or suits – it’s overkill, but we should remember that the couple must have for each other, not only affection and respect, but also sexual desire, and always try to look attractive for their halves.

7. Not to turn sex into a routine and duty. The harmony in sex is an important part of relations between husband and wife, so in bed and husband and wife should pay attention to the needs of the second half and to meet the wishes of a loved one. And in any case do not sex or make fun way to manipulate the desire of the second half – it will not only lead to a cooling of emotions, but also can become a reason for adultery.

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