No one is dreaming about love without imagining the future partner. Her appearance, attitude to life, traits of character, goals in life…
This list can be endless!
Sometimes it can be more general such as being interested in kind, smart person with good sense of humor. People who have more general list give more time for getting knowing other person. They have more chances to find someone who is very close to their perfect dream.
Sometimes the list can be very specific, even demanding. Starting from the size of the cup and ending the weight, from the mens’ side. Women can be very specific in their criteria too! Some of them are paying close attention if a man owns a good house, luxury car, could he pamper her with gifts every day, shopping in expensive stores, if he has own hair and so on.
Such kind of people are talking with you in very pleasant way. You can even have feeling that you are the only one for her in the whole world. It is like a fairy-tale only for both of you. But like in the story “Cinderella” this closeness of souls lasts till the moment when a woman realizes that there is the absence of these “must haves”. And it will be the end of such story.
It’s not bad when person makes an effort to think about what kind of personality will have his future partner. All what he wants or doesn’t want in a woman, makes clear all moments about his life, what will help him to have a success with ideal woman for him, what he is expecting from her in emotional, psychical and psychological ways.
Of course, everyone deserves to be rewarded by perfect and ideal soul-mate! We are living for being happy! But let’s be honest. Who is perfect among us? No one?
Then maybe we can have the list of our dreaming partner but understand that our search will help us to find someone who is very close to it and we can close our eyes to some not perfect traits. Traits, what make our chosen person more individual and dear to our heart, with what we can live in peace and forgive someone’s imperfection, waiting on the same forgiveness for us.