The administration of Step2Love is happy to make a little surprise you – wonderful opportunity to spend more time in chat with your wonderful ladies and less money. Because since the 11th of March will be turn on the new promotion – Happy Hours, that gives 20% discount on live chat with amazing single ladies.
So each day you will receive the opportunity to chat with the single ladies by wonderful discount. Not only during an hour, you will be able to catch up to 5 Happy Hours a day! So stay online, and you will be informed by the website when the happy hour starts. Don’t waste time, start to chat when you see this informational message, because you will have one hour of chat discount. Next time during day you will get more such hours!
Spring is the time of love and adventures, so let start this wonderful season with amazing emotions! Spend exciting time with potential partners and just ladies you like. Open your heart for something new, so bright and warm.
Find your love with Step2Love and stay in touch with her all the time!
Good luck, stay tuned and catch more Happy Hours!