3 interesting facts about women: cold, appearance and finances

3 interesting facts about women: cold, appearance and finances

In this news article from the opposite world, you’ll find the answers to the following questions: why it is good to be a woman, why is it bad to be a woman and is there any sense in expensive engagement rings.

1. Knowledge of the month
Picked up a virus? Sneeze? Sick? And all this because you’re not a woman. Scientists from Harvard University published in the journal of Life Sciences research results, where it says:
Low level of the female hormone estrogen makes a person more susceptible to all sorts of respiratory illnesses and even pneumonia.
To be precise, it’s all about the enzyme called synthase nitric oxide 3, NOS3, which is produced to fight with bacteria due to the estrogen. In the experiment suffered, as usual, mouse. When both males and females are completely deprived of the gene responsible for the production of the enzyme NOS3, both are virtually without a fight surrendered under the onslaught of infection. When other normal mice of both sexes artificially raised levels of estrogen, resistance to the body’s bacteria was significantly improved. Be healthy!
3 interesting facts about women: cold, appearance and finances
2. Sadly
In our days, girls are dissatisfied with their appearance stronger than 30 years ago. Women’s Glamour magazine made a survey among its readers to find out whether they like the way they look, and compared the obtained data with the results of the same survey in 1987. And if three decades ago upset women was 41%, in 2017 there are already exactly 50%.
Professor at the Ohio state University Jesse Fox explains: “If girls in the past compared themselves with the public people, that is relatively inaccessible quantities, but today — thanks to the development of social media, they compare themselves with the same girls, like themselves. And if a girl from a neighboring yard looks better — it upsets girls more.”
3 interesting facts about women: cold, appearance and finances
3. Informative
Your woman insists on expensive wedding? We will help to temper her ardor. Economists from Emory University in Atlanta (USA) asked the question: can the cost of the wedding celebration be connected with the possibility of divorce in the future?
It turned out that the more expensive are the wedding rings and the richer is celebration, the higher is the risk that the couple in the future will break up.
Economists attribute this to financial stress (loans, debts), which has a young family from the first days of its existence. Psychologists carefully add: it often happens that abundance is only unconscious attempt to hide the lack of feelings.

Step2Love hopes that our article will help you understand women better. We wish you good luck and be happy!

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