Archive for History and Traditions

Flag Day – National Anniversary!

Flag USA

Today- the 14th of June- The United States celebrates Flag Day- is a national holiday, the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777, the day for commemoration the American flag’s adoption and the day to honor it! It’s a special day in life of every American the same as any other national holiday such as Memorial Day, Independence Day etc. Many people around the country honor US Flag with displaying it on public buildings and homes. » Read more..

World Blood Donor Day Is Today

World Blood Donor Day Is Today

World Heath Organization declared 14th of June a World Blood Donor Day. That was done for attracting people’s attention to the blood donation.

It is not necessary to explain how important it is, to donate blood: in all over the world every day many people get to the accidents, lose a lot of blood and need an urgent blood transfusion. » Read more..

Vyshyvanka – The Best Folk Souvenir From Ukraine

Vyshyvanka – the best souvenir from Ukraine

The embroidered shirt or vyshyvanka is one of the symbols of Ukraine. Handmade and decorated with original patterns with deep meanings it symbolizes the traditional generosity and hospitality of the Ukrainian people and the skills of hard working Ukrainian women.  » Read more..

Russian vodka: the origin and interesting facts

Russian vodka and heady Russian girls

Vodka is one of the most famous symbols of the Slavic world, but I’d like to mention that I am not going to promote vodka but want to highlight some interesting facts about this Russian national drink.
Attention: Russian girls in the photos don’t drink vodka, they are just as heady as this drink! » Read more..

Special offer for Easter gifts!

Special offer for Easter gifts!

Easter is not only traditional Orthodox holiday but it is also celebration of the spring. Surprise your Lady with wonderful Ester gifts! GREAT OFFERS FOR ANY GIFT PURCHASE! Buy one gift to your lovely lady and receive FREE bottle of wine to be delivered with your order! Trees start to bloom, the weather is getting warmer and warmer and everybody are waiting impatiently for Easter Sunday – the holiest day of the year, the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. » Read more..

Borscht – the magic dish of every Ukrainian woman

Borscht – the magic dish of every Ukrainian woman-1

There is no true Ukrainian bride who can’t cook borscht – one of the magic dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. Borscht (also borsch, bortsch, borstch, borsh, borshch) is the main element of Ukrainian traditions. Ancient Ukrainians believed that the souls of ancestors lived in the steam of borscht, that’s why it was served very hot. Cold borscht was a symbol of lack of respect for the guest. Hot borscht was not only the nutritious dish but also meant happiness and understanding in the family and connection to ancestors. That’s why borscht is the traditional dish at the funerals. » Read more..

Rushnyk as a symbol of Ukrainian soul and mastery of Ukrainian women

Rushnyk as a symbol of Ukrainian soul and mastery of Ukrainian women-3

Rushnyk is a highly decorated traditional Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian towel with ornamental patterns. The word “rushnyk” comes from the word “ruka” which means “hand”.
Rusnyk is not just an embroidered towel, it is a symbol of Ukraine which connects people with their ancestors, protect and preserves them! Every rushnyk is like a novel about life, nature, people and traditions. Rushnyk was used as a ward, a traditional part of every rite and as a house decoration. » Read more..

Runaway Bride: Marriage by Abduction in Ancient and Contemporary Slavic World

Runaway Russian bride_Marriage by Abduction in Ancient and Contemporary Slavic World

Bride kidnapping or marriage by abduction is a practice throughout history and around the world in which a man abducts the woman he wants to marry. Today bride kidnapping is only a cheerful ritual at the all Slavic weddings but not everybody knows that tradition of stealing a future bride has the ancient roots. » Read more..

Ukrainian Wedding Songs for Rituals, Humor and More

Ukrainian Wedding Songs-1

Ukrainian wedding is not only the colorful and bright family holiday but also a ritual action which means revival and a new life of two people. Nowadays people have a lot of choices how to celebrate their wedding, but in ancient Ukraine there were a lot of regulations and customs which had to be considered during the wedding.
Songs were one of the most important things on the traditional Ukrainian wedding. Wedding songs accompanied and explained every stage of the celebration. » Read more..

First Woman in Space: Russian astronaut Valentina Tereshkova

First Woman in Space Russian astronaut Valentina Tereshkova-1

I bet you know that Russian women are not only beautiful and good-natured, but also very hard-working, determined and brave! Valentina Tereshkova is one the brightest example of Russian women, who work hard to make their dreams come true. She was born in poor village Maslennikovo, her father died in the war and her mother raised three children by herself.

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