The week is full of expectations, but whether they will come true depends not on you. Do not rush things, and do not take rash decisions. Water signs are incredibly emotional and absolutely can not control themselves. Fire signs have too much enthusiasm, you take the initiative in your own hands, and you can make mistakes. Air signs are completely confused, but in the end it is you who acts very sensibly. Signs of the Earth make up their mind for everything at the last moment, but even then they can still regret what happened.
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Archive for Zodiac Ladies
Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 28 August-3 September
Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 21-27 of August
The coming period is unlikely to bring up very strong positive emotions, the main thing is that everything goes quietly and without much excitement. Friendly relations are more preferable than clarification of relationships and explosive feelings. You need to protect yourself and hope that you will have a lot of good experiences in the future.
Fire signs are slightly jacked up and expect for something. The signs of the Earth are patient, and they can keep quiet just in time. Air signs rush things, but at the last minute they can stop themselves! Water signs are going well, they can count on recognition.
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 14-20 of August
It’s a great week for seriously thinking about rapprochement of old relationships, or to meet a completely new lady who will offer you something very unusual. The main thing is not to be alone but to communicate more. Water signs tend to new acquaintances but treat them with caution. Fire signs hurry events, do not know how to wait and can spoil everything by themselves. Air signs are luckier, they communicate with ease. Earth representatives of the zodiac signs are often in confusion and do not know how to act.
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 7-13 of August
This week is not easy times for any contacts and personal relationships. Fire Signs have the bad luck. Hopes can collapse and there is a regret about the lost time remaining on the soul. Water Signs are excessively impressionable and emotional that is literally pushing away partners from themselves. Earth Signs put forward too many demands that can not be fulfilled, and they understand it too late. Only Air Signs are more or less successful. They can begin love affairs that will last a very long time.
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 31 of July-6 of August
Fire signs must learn something new in the relationships which clearly will be for the best. The relationships of Water signs don’t go smooth, it’s better to take a break and wait. The signs of the Earth can spend all week with feelings of jealousy and suspicion, although they do not make clear the situation. Air signs are prone to betrayal, but at the last moment something can alarm you and you calm down.
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 24-30 of July
Not the best time for the fruitful development of personal relationships, and the men understand that now they need to appreciate very much what they have and do not strive for something new. The Fire signs remember with regret the missed opportunities and are busy analyzing where they could make a mistake. Water signs are sentimental and have a warmth attitude to their beloved ladies. Patience is not always enough for Air signs and they are pursued by small quarrels. Earth signs try not to believe the promises that they are given, they are wary of any prospects in the relationships.
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 17-23 of July
The relationship can become unpredictable and very whirlwind. Fire signs begin to rush things and make mistakes. Water signs are better to consciously take a pause and think what they really want from a partner. Representatives of Air signs do not cease to amaze everyone with the non-standard approach to a situation. And the signs of the Earth are increasingly thinking over the hidden sides of a love affair.
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 10-16 of July
A week can bring some pleasant changes to your personal life when you are already quite desperate. Everything will depend on a strange combination of circumstances that could not be foreseen in advance! So rely on fate and it will present many surprises for you!
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Weekly LOVE Horoscope for 3rd of July to 9th of July.
A week can bring pleasant surprises, and most of all they concern all Fire Signs. The meetings will be filled with positive emotions. Water Signs are not ready to listen confessions, something stops them. The representatives of the elements of Air have a lot to do besides the love life, but then you will miss something important. Earth Signs are sincerely happy with all new adventures, the mood is beautiful.
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The most Loyal Zodiac Signs. Part 2
They surely can be trusted. Such women are distinguished by complex character, desire for solitude, meditation and fairly constant measured life. They like to be loved not for their merits but just for who they are. Be sure, if they chose you as their partner, this decision is deliberate. Another feature of the sign is that they are very fastidious, including sex with another partners. Therefore, if they ever decide to make a fatal step and go to treason, it will be not a frivolous relationship.
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